Quotes from the audience

Here a few, small thoughts concerning yesterday's gig in Stadtgarten, Cologne (thanks b.t.w. for the wonderful experience!): Nils Wogram's compositions remain a unique space ship elegantly cruising through his very own parallel universe.

By integrating strings, as in his so beautiful and sophisticated soloing on the trombone, which is not just virtuous but always deeply committed to jazz tradition, he reveals how educated and savant he is in the history not only of jazz but of music itself. Many quotes of other styles and genres by never losing the golden thread. Each of the four band members shows his tremendous mastery, the string trio fits in very well, even as far as the very complex rhythmic structures of most of Wogram's compositions are concerned. Always being in awe of his drumming, earlier on I had difficulties watching Mr. Rueckert playing. Too much arrogance and ostentatious extravagance. Not so yesterday. Now one can enjoy his absolutely stunning mastership with both ears and eyes, all the more, as he brings his exuberant quality completely into service of the ‘bigger picture’. Glad to come out to Cologne yesterday!

Christian B., Cologne

An atmosphere full of light and intimate pleasure, but also longing and nostalgia.

Michael P., Marburg

You guys play better than Bayern München [currently Germany’s best soccer team]

Manfred B., Marburg

Nils Wogram gives his colleagues a lot of space and doesn’t act like a classical bandleader. The classical language of jazz furnished with newer stylistic means; the electronics are almost tangible there …. drums ‘n’ bass in jazz clothing …. An excellently composed set with three musical luminaries camouflaged as low-key contemporaries!!

For me, the exciting and lively presence of jazz appeared this evening, set beautifully en scène at a wonderful location.Five out of five points for this evening.

Guest, Freiburg

Nils Wogram is the Lionel Messi of the trombone.

Tobias F., Reutlingen

What counts for me – only being there is even better. This music is simply fascinating.

Herman B., Germany

I am a huge fan of your music! You are truly an inspirational musician...

Andrew J., Canada

What’s great about your albums is that they are still exciting after listening to them the tenth time.

Christian P., Berlin

You are going to be on full time in my house as inspiration for me ....

Sarah T., United Kingdom

Nils' playing, tune selection, arrangements and band personnel are all superb.... This is a first class production all the way....

Jim E., United States