Quotes from the audience

your music filled my thoughts with joy

great concert. I would have payed double

Hohner had no chance against hammond

I would like to dance to your music but I am to shy for that. Please encourage people to dance so. I will follow.

your music carries the listener like a wave the swimmer

Nils Wogram is the worthy successor of Albert Mangelsdorff, not as a plain disciple, but rather with his own independent, convincing and ‘stunning’ further development in how to treat the trombone.

Harald K., Mannheim

This is such a strange jazz, they played so many wrong notes and still sounded good.

Thomas, 10 years old

The trombone – there isn’t anything more beautiful!!

Willem V., Tilburg

It was so exciting to watch everyone, to observe everything, to close our eyes and swing along with the rhythm. There were near sacred moments, as if out of a painting from the Middle Ages.

Aysa Y., Zurich

Your concert on Friday was delightful! There was such a depth and so much poetry in the music – that was a great pleasure!

Nooi B., Zurich